A downloadable game for Windows

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A proof of concept of a free / fan port of Black Tiger for the Neo.Geo.
(also known as Black Dragon)

-=- Goals:  -=-
improved controls, camera,  graphics and animations
better gameplay balance and experience

If u want to help development and make this game a real thing for the Neo.Geo 

please consider a donation.

You can also contact me through discord : https://discord.gg/sjmfgh4


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

nblktiger.zip (neogeo rom) 7.5 MB
neoBlackTigerDemoWin32.zip (win32 demo) 5.5 MB
nblktiger-NeoSD.zip (Neo-SD flash cart rom) 3.7 MB


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(1 edit)

Hello again,

The graphics is simple, but really is Neo Geo standard. Great! I liked so much. I will help you again! Do you have some prevision to finish?

no prevision at all ^^  all the projects are done on my spare time.