NeoSMB demo 0.01!

Hello and welcome to the NeoSMB devlog!
The goal of this projet is to bring Neo Super Mario Bros on the Neo-geo based on data from NDS, WII(and WIIu) versions.
NeoSMB is coded using C language based on a modified version of NEODEV Kit from Sebastian Mihai and Jeff Kurt.
Mame is also used for development simply because it's easier and very well emulated.
Coding for the neogeo is *hard* due to its exotic architecture and the old 12Mhz 68000 cpu.
Every single operation/operand has a cost , memory is limited and debugging is not available with my setup.
Coding for the neogeo is *fun* bcoz it's real programming (no bullshits)
and you are rewarded when writing quality code and algorithms.
Mainly 3 homemade PC tools are used:
Graphic editor dealing with palette constraints of the neogeo.
Level and map editor.
Project resources and animation editor, for sprites , animations and music/sfx.
Externals tools are Gimp, Pro-motion and nsmb-editor
You can mainly help by donating money to this project.
(without support or real interest the project may just goes nowhere.)
A lot of sprites still need to be extracted from the original game,
so if you are interested to ripp sprites contact me on discord.
NeoSMB project and tools are intended to be publicly available gradually.
Future versions:
Next version development will focus on :
- completing World1-x area.
- more mario animations, transformations.
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